Un Été Wharton / A Wharton Summer

Somewhere between Sophie’s Misfortunes and Waiting for Bojangles… An unforgettable summer with the Whartons, an explosive family that brighten up everyday life!

The Wharton family is made up of Norman, the father, who collects engraved grains of rice and writes in his free time; Edith, the mother, who has magic in her fingertips and knows how to tame deer; Gigi, the daughter, a daydreamer with a heart of gold; Perly, the clumsy dog; and Cornelius, the dyslexic parrot. Just like every year, they spend the summer in their holiday house in the Black Woods. But one morning, a strange delivery comes in the post… It’s Jamie, Gigi’s tenyear- old cousin! And he’s not exactly the most fun playmate. He’s Andrew’s son, Norman’s awful brother, who abandoned him when he was born and his mother “went to heaven”, leaving him with a storm of emotions. He has a magic power that means he can get away with anything – grownups are scared of him. Fascinated, Gigi wants him to teach her his secret, turning the holidays into a series of experiments… Luckily, Norman manages to calm the boy down and help him in his search for identity with stories about his littleknown father. But the fragile balance is upset, when Jamie’s father turns up unexpectedly at the Wharton’s traditional August shooting stars party. His complete lack of interest in his son devastates Jamie and leaves him furious. Only Gigi’s soothing words of affection can help Jamie find peace in himself again.

– Là, le Grand Patatras ! Je le vois !

Jamie la rabroua :

– Idiote ! Ce n’est qu’un monticule de matelas !

Gigi recula, son pied accrocha un pneu qui percuta en roulant un fauteuil à bascule qui déséquilibra une commode qui perdit un tiroir emportant avec lui de nombreuses paires de skis, une vieille chaîne stéréo et un renard empaillé. Le grenier s’écroulait. Le Grand Patatras leur barrait le chemin de la trappe. Jamie s’engouffra dans un édredon et Gigi le perdit de vue. Quelque chose lui toucha l’épaule.

– AAAARGGGGHHHH !!!! hurla-t-elle.

C’était Jamie, enfoui au creux d’un abat-jour.