Welcome to my house/Toutes les choses avec lesquelles…
First words are everywhere you look, especially in a house!
This lovely picture book catalogues a variety of household items (250!), naming the delightful miscellany that makes up life. Creative and unexpected collections, and sweet visual snapshots that reinforce word recognition and understanding. In addition to the usual kitchen and garden items, there are more surprising–and clever–spreads including “things where you can take a nap,” “things that keep you warm”, and “things that get lost” (parents will relate…). Children will revel in the delicate illustrations of objects they are learning to recognise, those they are discovering every day, and those they will cherish and use as they grow up, with a playful guide, Olga the cat.
“I think this is a beautiful book – it’s a perfect size, and the entire thing has an enticing texture (…). The book overall is visually stunning, and kids are going to love paging through just to look at the pictures!”
The Kid Reviews Books
Rights sold in English, Spanish, Catalan and Korean
- From 4 up
- Hardcover ● 19,5 x 27 cm ● 40 pages
- EAN : 9782330053512 ● 14,90 € ● 2015