ON THE TRACKS – TALA, LE CHIMPANZE / Sur les traces – Tala, le chimpanzé

Adventure stories for teenagers that turn the Living World and Wildlife into a wonderful world to explore, respect and investigate.


They managed to convince their parents! Louise, Rima and Philippe move in with the family of their friend in the Congo (Africa) to learn a language.

In reality, the 4 heroes aren’t just hoping to discover the Congolese languages. They also dream of tracking down the great ape in the nearby… Because John, Louise, Rima and Philippe are part a group of young people who are passionate about wild animals. In the 4 corners of the planet, these teenagers are organizing to meet them.

But when it comes to meeting the chimpanzee, it’s not that easy. The forest in which he lives is immense and dangerous… Will the 4 friends manage to see him?


“A great way to engage in dialogue with the world and its inhabitants, whose destiny we share.” Télérama

« Au fur et à mesure, la végétation se fait plus présente, et la forêt surgit au détour d’un virage. Un mur d’arbres se dresse à un kilomètre de là. Les cimes, encore cotonneuses de brume – fruit de la respiration de ces milliards de troncs, de tiges et de feuilles –, impressionnent. On devine sous le dense couvert des lianes, des troncs couchés et des trouées. On n’entend rien mais Rima, Louise, Philippe et John savent qu’un autre monde commence là, passées les dernières parcelles cultivées. C’est pour lui qu’ils sont ici. »