ROSALIE, The Little Hen who Dreamed of Flying/Rosalie, la petite poule qui rêvait de s’envoler

Be curious about everything and try!


Rosalie is a cute little black hen, and a stubborn daydreamer. She mainly dreams of being able to fly, and is determined to do so. Until then, she goes on walks through nature, and meets a wild goose, a magpie and, finally, a worm, who are all excited to embark on a new adventure together! A book made up of chance meetings, friendships and dreams, with drawings and patterns as delicate as Russian embroidery. Inspired by the artist Nathalie Parain, Claire Brun gives this book wings.

  • Les petits albums hélium
  • # # #
  • From 3 up
  • Hardcover ● 18 x 23 cm ● 48 pages
  • EAN : 9782330047269 ● 12,90 € ● 2015