Sam Says… Turn the Page and… Surprise! / Paul a dit ! Tourne la page et découvre la surprise
Simple and playful
A shape, animal or object can lead to something completely different when you turn the page to reveal what’s hiding under the laser cut! Each image has a different exclamation (Bite! Look! Fly! Feel! Hurry!), and young readers will be delighted to see a hat turn into a turtle, or the wheels of a bicycle into huge round owl eyes!
Prix Socières 2017 Best Toddler book
“A game book for little ones (…) who can lead their reading.” Citrouille
Rights sold in Italian, Spanish, Simple Chinese.
- les petits tout-cartons
- From 1 up
- board book ● 14 x 15 cm ● 30 round corners
- 1 board book with round corners & 7 die-cuts
- EAN : 9782330066017 ● 9.90 € ● 2016