Miss Cat – The Mystery of the Hot Snow
When a Nordic Thriller gets icy, the snow ploughs go wild!
Every year around Christmas, Miss Cat feels a bit sad. She has less clients, and few invites since she doesn’t have many friends. The Christmas trees, the shop window lights, people rushing around with big gifts… It all makes her feel down. Luckily, this year her friend Griselda has rented a little chalet in Snøbøll, a nearby ski station. She invites Miss Cat to join her, along with the irresistible octopus Ole, a champion skier… on water. But there’s no time off for detectives and a new case is waiting for her at the foot of the slopes. The “Snow King” Ulf Ulrich Urgh’s wife, who gets around on a snow plough, has disappeared. She was last seen with Lucifredo, the chef at Pizza Inforno, the best Italian restaurant in Snøbøll…
- Miss Chat
- From 6 up
- softcover ● 15 x 23 cm ● 64 pages
- EAN : 9782330173111 ● 13,90 € ● 2023