Le Temps des ogres / THE TIME OF OGRES
A dystopian story in a drought-stricken world, with an unforgettable heroine who becomes the guardian of the world’s beauty.
Victoire has never known free-flowing water. It is rationed by the Patrollers. So, on her 13th birthday, when she is forced to flee the village where she grew up, she heads along the dry riverbed. She hopes to reach the planet’s last reservoir, Lake Baikal, like her parents and childhood friend long before her. But she takes a wrong turn and, after many adventures and encounters, ends up at the foot of a cargo ship stranded in the sand…
“A gripping dystopia set in a valley where the rain has stopped falling.”
- From 11 up
- broché ● 14,5 x 20 cm ● 170 pages
- EAN : 9782330182496 ● 15,90 € ● 2023