Agathe’s Menagerie/La Ménagerie d’Agathe
Beware of the toys!
What if animal toys were real? French writer Éric Chevillard makes a list of his daughter’s toys and observes the difference between them and real-life animals. “When you walk on Agathe’s giraffe, it squeaks. With a real giraffe, we don’t know. No one has long enough legs to walk on a giraffe. Whereas a giraffe could walk on a person. But most of the time, they don’t. Maybe giraffes don’t like the noise that humans make.”
“Eric Chevillard’s nonsense and funniness at its best.” Le Monde
Rights sold in Simple Chinese
- All Ages
- Hardcover ● 23,5 x 36 cm ● 40 pages
- EAN : 9782330009557 ● 16,90 € ● 2013